Saturday, April 16, 2011

Baby Announcement GIVEAWAY

Come one, come all!! I am doing a giveaway for 50 Baby Announcements. I have bad a video on my youtube channel with all the details. You have to subscribe to my youtube channel to enter. Then leave a comment on my channel homepage telling me you are entering the giveaway. This will enter you once for the giveaway. If you want to be entered twice for the giveaway you need to send someone else over to my channel (they have to subscribe too) and in your comment let me know who you sent over. The giveaway will be ending on April 22nd. There is only one must be pregnant to enter. Get your entries in.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

New Pages

I have added a few more pages (links above) to my blog. Go ahead and take a gander. Within the pages you will find more pieces of work I have done in the last year and present. Enjoy!